Total: 108 Articles
Ramadan 2017: Nine questions about the Muslim holy month you were too embarrassed to ask
.... Palestinians take part in a prayer called Taraweeh on the eve of the holy fasting month of Ramadan in Gaza City, on June 17, 2015. MAHMUD HAMS/AFP/Getty Images The Muslim holy month of Ramadan starts Friday evening, and most of the world's 1.6 billion Muslim…The Preservation of the Noble Quran
One common argument that has been consistently thrown on the Quran is that common to Muslim claims, that the Quran we possess today is not the same exact one which was revealed to the prophet Muhammad, and that there are verses missing, and that the companions of …Rebuttal To Samaritan Error In Al-Quran
Responses to Islamic Awareness The "Samaritan" Error In The Qur'an Introduction After we had published our response, the "Islamic Awareness" team [a total of five authors] re-wrote their essay The "Samaritan" Error In The Qur'an? Their updated version con…What does Quran mean by SEVEN EARTHS?
THE CASE ''It is Allah who has created seven heavens and of the earth, the like of them. [His] command descends among them so you may know that Allah is over all things competent and that Allah has encompassed all things in knowledge.'' (QS. 65:12) In the above…Jesus’ Marriage to Mary the Magdalene Is Fact, Not Fiction
Simcha Jacobovici Three-time Emmy-winning filmmaker and New York Times bestselling author PAUL CALBAR VIA GETTY IMAGES The publication on Nov. 12, 2014 of the book I co-wrote with Prof. Barrie Wilson, The Lost Gospel: Decoding the Ancient …40 mind-blowing quotes from Barack Obama about Islam and Christianity
40 mind-blowing quotes from Barack Obama about Islam and Christianity Joshua Riddle This is a great list highlighting how radical President Obama is when it comes to Islam and Christianity. 20 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam an…Is Uzair The Son of God?
After you finish reading this article, for much more examples and elaborations please visit: Differences between the Noble Quran and Bible only prove Islam's Truthfulness and Divinity. Is Uzair the son of God? Let us look at the Noble Verse 9:30 "The Jews…Serious Problems With Luke's Cencus
Excerpted from God, Reason, and the Evangelicals (Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America, 1987), pp. 145-49, Copyright held by N. F. Gier Much has been said about Luke's excellence as an historian. Luke di…ISLAM, HEGEMONY AND EXPANSION
How has the Islamic religion managed to become so widespread in many parts of the world, including Asia, North Africa, and many other regions? Why was the Islamic empire so successful in its initial expansion, and what led to the expansion and cohesion that all…DID PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH DIE FROM POISON?
I want to stress on the fact that the hadith do not clearly indicate that the Prophet did die from poison. The Prophet was aging and was getting sick and the Prophet just simply said that he still tastes the poison in his mouth. That does not necessarily imply t…What The Bible Really Says
I started reading a book titled "What the Bible REALLY Says." It is a collection of chapters written by different theologians, each on a different topic. The chapter titled "The Future" was written by James D. Tabor. I'm not familiar with him, but his work on the t…The Forged Origin Of The Nw Testament
By Tony Bushby Spanish version March 2007 Extracted from Nexus Magazine Volume 14, Number 4 (June - July 2007) from NexusMagazine Website In the fourth century, the Roman Emperor Constantine united all religious factions under one compos…WHAT THEY SAY ABOUT THE PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH?
During the centuries of the Crusades, all sorts of slanders were invented against the Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him. With the birth of the modern age, however, marked with religious tolerance and freedom of thought, ther…If God Cannot Abolish Evil, Why Trust Him To Create Good?
Either God wants to abolish evil and cannot, or he can but does not want to, or he cannot and does not want to. If he wants to but cannot, he is impotent. If he can but does not want to, he is wicked. If he neither can nor wants to, he is both powerless and wi…Tacitus, Did He Use Archives or Was His Works Altered?
TACITUS AND NERO Christians lie that Tacitus spoke of Jesus and so Jesus existed. That is just their scraping at the bottom of the barrel in a desperate question for corroboration that Jesus lived. TACITUS The Roman historian Cornelius Tacitus who died in 117 …Europol Report: All Terrorist Are Muslim, Except 99.6% Are Not
Europol releases an annual study of terrorism; the results do not support claims that "(nearly) all Muslims are terrorists" Islamophobes have been popularizing the claim that “not all Muslims are terrorists, but (nearly) all terrorists are Muslims.” Des…The Christian God: EVIL!
The Bible presents an interesting picture of God, ie. a god who never changes (Malachi 3:6) but actually does frequently change his mind and even regrets what he's done ("repents") - Genesis 6:6,7, Exodus 32:l4, l Samuel l5:35, 2 Samuel 24:l6, l Chronicles 21:l5, Je…Origin Of Christianity
Christianity is an amalgam of pagan religions, picking the most successful features from each.As to the early writers and the question of myth consider the following; Adonis born pre 2000 BC of virgin Astarte, for whom the spring festival of rebirth, Eastros…THE TRINITY REFERS TO SOME CHRISTIANS' UNDERSTANDING OF THEIR GOD
The Trinity refers to the Christian understanding of GOD as a unity of three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All are equally God and so are one, each sharing in the divine attributes of ultimacy, eternity, and changelessness; yet they are distinguishable i…The Christian Myth Is Almost Totally PAGAN In Origin
Please tell me specifically what elements you think Christianity borrowed from what pre-existing religions. The Christian myth is almost totally Pagan in origin. I used to think that anything outside the Judeo/Christian/Moslem Belief System or worldview was Pagan.…The True Origin of 'B.C' and 'A.D'
ANNO DOMINI is the Roman expression for: The year of the dominium of the Lord. This is to say that the "Lord" as a title was given to the highest office of the Roman Empire. At that time this was Julius Caesar and it related to any year he was in office. …Dating Saul Of Tarsus
The date of Paul's conversion, as suggested in the "infallible inerrant Bible" indicates he saw the risen Christ before Christ even died. Using Acts and Gal together, the following is arrived: Paul's conversion (Acts 9:3ff, Gal 1:16) = 31 AD. 1st visit to …Why I am Not A Christian
Perhaps the thoughts of two of the greatest thinkers of the twentieth century may help. Firstly Bertrand Russell in "Why I Am Not A Christian" Kant, as I say, invented a new moral argument for the existence of God, and that in varying forms was e…The Crucifixion And Resurrection Were Never Prophesied In The Bible's Old Testament
The sections of this article are: 1. Ample Prophesies in the Old Testament about the Messiah getting saved from crucifixion. (a) Psalm 91 is not just limited to the foot striking the rock! (b) The Crucifixion is Symbolic in the New Testament. (c)&nb…Jesus Should Have Been Aborted
I remember my mother, an active member of the pro-life movement, taking me aside and in a serious whisper telling me: quot;What if the Virgin Mary had had an abortion? She certainly had a lot of reason too. Where would we all be then? quot; She was using this state…Reasons For Believeing Christianity Debunked
I found some old stuff lying around, and thought our fundies might want to tackle them. Here's the first one: "Reasons" for believing in Christianity debunked 1. We have eyewitness accounts of Jesus rising from the dead. Actually, we don't. We have a few anonym…Once Upon A Time
Christian fundamentalists dismiss as liberal nonsense any interpretation of scriptures that is based on the existence of myths and legends in the biblical text, yet they themselves often take doctrinal positions that reflect a fairy-tale view of the Bible. An e…Can GOD Do Anything?
Subject: Can God Do ANYthing? Reproduced for you reading pleasure, with permission, from Biblical Errancy, Issue #134, Feb, 1994: Dear Mr. McKinsey, I've read a number of back issues of B. E., and I think I have a pretty good idea of what you're trying to …John's Gospel Cannot Be Trusted
From: Simon Ewins To: Michael Hardy [SE] John 3:22 Jesus baptizes. [SE] John 3:26 Jesus baptizes. [SE] John 4:1 Jesus baptizes. [SE] John 4:2 Jesus does not baptize. [SE] So you agree, then that John cannot be trusted? Good. [MH] No. You have to read the whol…There were No Eye Witnesses To Jesus's Life
From: Simon Ewins To: Andrew Ruys Problem is I do not attempt to address secular evidence of anything to do with Jesus Christ because, (a) Christ is a title, not a surname (it should be Jesus the Christ), (b) Christ is a title designating one who is annointed a…The Biblical Picture Of God Is That Of An Evil God
The Biblical picture of God can hardly be reconciled with Christian teaching that "God is love", eg. All forms of life destroyed because of one imperfect species - Genesis 6:5,7, 7:23. Human sacrifice commanded by God - Leviticus 27:28,29. God agrees that Jeph…Did You Know That God Ordained The Holocaust And Slavery?
Did God Ordain The Holocaust? Did you know that God ordained the Holocaust? A tremendous amount of Satanic propaganda has fooled almost everyone into thinking the Nazi Holocaust against the Jews was an evil atrocity committed by sadistic lunatics. The Holy Bible, ho…Liars Created Christianity
FORGERY IN CHRISTIANITY ~ THE "INSPIRED" HEBREW SCRIPTURES The processes of the formation of the Hebrew Old Testament Scriptures are, however, interesting and intriguing, if sacred tradition is true. According to priestly lore, the man Moses, "learned in …The Historicity Of Jesus
The Historicity Of Jesus It appears that the Christian writings that give Jesus a historical place only appeared in the closing years of the first century and even these took quite some time to be established and accepted. Therefore with regard to Jesus of Na…No Evidence Of Jesus
Recently, several fundis have asserted that there is much historical evidence that Jesus acyually existed as have alluded to a few round about references by early writers. I can accross the following in a file in America OnLine Religion library: The early Christ…The Jesus Of The Gospels
The Jesus of the Gospels The Jesus of the Gospels is hardly the character that Christians like to present, eg. he used violence - John 2:l5 (and apparently encouraged it; before his arrest he told his disciples to buy a sword; this was used immediately afterwar…The Lost Books Of The Bible
Hell is only mankinds grave. The bible even says that Jesus went to Hell. Bet you didn't know that. Quote the verse, please. Now I realize what his post to me with a verse from acts without any context was about. He couldn't even come up with a verse to supo…The Resurrection
Let's check these out! Who went to the tomb? Matthew-2 Marys; Mark-2 Marys and Salome; Luke-at least 5 women; John-Mary Magdalene. What was seen? Matthew-Earthquake with angel sitting outside on the recently-moved stone; Mark-Stone already moved and a …The New Testament And Christian Ignorance
I find it rather amusing that the vast majority of Christians, demonstrating their well-known ignorance, appear to believe that when Jesus ascended into heaven, just before he left, he turned to his disciples and said, "Here lads- your 27 writings. This is your New …The Christian Faith, TheTeaching Of Paul
Apart from Paul teaching a very different theology from the Jesus of the Gospels. It is interesting to note that he recomended celibacy (1 Cor 7:1,7,8,25-26,29,32,38) because he believed the end was imminent - 1 Cor 7:29,31. The very fact that the first Christians …
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